825 1st Ave NE
7:30 am to 2:45 pm daily
Check store wait times & have your name placed on the waitlist by using the Yelp App or follow the button below to place your order or download the OEB app!
(403) 278-EGGS (3447) | bridgeland@eatoeb.com
#110 222 5 Ave SW
6:30 am to 2:00 pm Monday – Friday
8:00 am to 2:45 pm Weekends & Holidays
Check store wait times & have your name placed on the waitlist, or make a weekday reservation by using the Yelp App follow the button below to place your order or download the OEB app!
(587) 352-EGGS (3447) | fifthavenue@eatoeb.com
2207 4 St SW
7:30 am – 2:45 pm daily
Check store wait times & have your name placed on the waitlist by using the Yelp App or follow the button below to place your order or download the OEB app!
(587) 356-OEB3 (6323) | mission@eatoeb.com
4132 University Ave. NW
7:30 am – 2:45 pm daily
Check store wait times & have your name placed on the waitlist by using the Yelp App or follow the button below to place your order or download the OEB app!
(825) 205-9942 | universitydistrict@eatoeb.com